Professionalizing Reform

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Professionalizing Reform


Although the Chicago Woman’s Club always boasted doctors, lawyers, and educators, over time clubwomen increasingly professionalized their approaches to reform. As evidenced by the growing volume of the Club’s Annual Announcements and the rapidly increasing number of committees, the CWC expanded and bureaucratized their reform work over time. Clubwomen also gained legitimacy in the Progressive Era by informing their work with social science. The Club boasted a Social Hygiene Committee and Efficiency Committee in addition to sponsoring numerous lectures by leading scientists and professionals.


Chicago Woman’s Club Annual Announcements, 1877, 1900, 1920. Loyola University Chicago. Women & Leadership Archives Chicago Woman’s Club. Photograph by Rachel Boyle, June 24, 2013.
"Bureaucratic Expansion of the Chicago Woman’s Club, 1877-1920.” Chart by Rachel Boyle, June 24, 2013. Data from Chicago Woman’s Club Annual Announcements, 1877-1920. Loyola University Chicago. Women & Leadership Archives Chicago Woman’s Club.
Minutes: Chicago Woman’s Club Records, Chicago History Museum.


AA Growth.JPG
Committee Expansion.JPG
"Campaign of education towards purity"
"The Problem of Delinquency from a Psychiatric Point of View"
"Report of the Social Hygiene Committee"
"A colleague of the professional philanthropist and <br />


“Professionalizing Reform,” Loyola University Chicago Digital Special Collections, accessed March 31, 2025,