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  • Tags: traditions

Sheet music for the songs "Hail Loyola," written by George W. Kowalski and "Fight for Alma Mater," written by Robert Healy,

Sheet music for "Loyola Men," written by Mary Steffen and Art Wise during the 1930s as a stein, or drinking, song.

Sheet music for "All Hail Maroon and Gold" by B.G. Gross, written in 1974.

001_Alpha Sigma Nu 2001.jpg
Alpha Sigma Nu Officers in May 2001. For 2000-2001:
Marjorie Potirala, secretary; Bridget McCauley, vice-president; Alison Eggers, president. For 2001-2002: Weiser Cordero, president; Kimi Nishi, vice-president; Jacqueline Cappiello, treasurer, Alma…

003_Alpha Sigma Nu 1938.jpg
Loyola Chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, 1938, the first year of the chapter's establishment, from the 1938 Loyolan.
Front Row: (left to right) Burns, Bock, Bowyer, Monek, Father Egan, S.J., Ferri, Schmidt, Fleminh, Kennelly, Clark. Second Row: Jerbi,…

George Halas recipient of Sword of Loyola and James E. McDonald, recipient of Stritch Medal at the Annual Awards Dinner in 1979.

Students from Loyola University and Mundelein College having a good time during the annual Beanie Bounce, 1953.

The Loyola community holds Baccalaureate Mass at Madonna della Strada Chapel, January 1982.
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