Ink & Crayon Drawing, 14 x 20.5 in. Caption: “The issue that is over and above all other issues; but Mr. Hoover and Mr. Smith do not choose to see it.” This item shows how Young’s socialist politics informed his cartoons on current events. Private…
Title page of The geographical, natural and civil history of Chili…Translated from the original Italian, by an American gentleman [R. Alsop]…(Middletown, Connecticut, 1808)
Ink drawing published in New Masses (New York). This cartoon refers to the 1920 German film Das Kabinett des Dr. Caligari (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari). Young has dressed President Coolidge as the sinister Dr. Caligari, echoed the cubist aesthetics…
Ink drawing. This self-portrait by Young comments on his perception of himself as an outsider in his profession. In 1914, Young was nominated for membership in the National Press Club, but was rejected. In Art Young: His Life and Times, Young writes…