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  • Tags: students

A group of theater students play around in 1970.

Senior Retreat 08 051.jpg
A group of students ham for the camera during their Senior Retreat, May 5, 2008.

060518 Baccalaureate045.jpg
Students gathered in Madonna della Strada for the 2006 Baccalaureate Mass on May 18.

A section of Rambler Rowdies cheer Loyola's Men's basketball team as they beat Purdue on December 11, 2005.

003_Alpha Sigma Nu 1938.jpg
Loyola Chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, 1938, the first year of the chapter's establishment, from the 1938 Loyolan.
Front Row: (left to right) Burns, Bock, Bowyer, Monek, Father Egan, S.J., Ferri, Schmidt, Fleminh, Kennelly, Clark. Second Row: Jerbi,…

003_Blue Key_1965 Loyolan.jpg
Past and present presidents of the Blue Key Honor Society, Jim Fletcher and Ed Bough, shake hands in an image from the 1965 Loyolan.

002_Blue Key- 1934 Loyolan.jpg
Members of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity as pictured in the 1934 Loyolan.
Top Row- Cosgrove, Lissman, McGovern, Kearney, Garvey, Wilkins, Homan, Alcuerra, Amato, Durkin, Fee
Second row: Schroeder, O'Leary, McGivern, Johnson, Brennan,…

Push ball in place before the start of a match between freshmen and sophomores in 1946.
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