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  • Tags: traditions

The Loyola community celebrates Jes Fest 2008.

The Water Tower Student Association presented its annual block party at the Water Tower Campus. Loyolans enjoy the festivities; they fill plastic containers with layers of colored sand, April 29, 1999.

Members of the Freshmen class plunge into Lake Michigan after being defeated by the Sophomores during the 1946 Pushball Contest.

Rebecca Stolz (BA ’06) clearing brush at Ballona Wetlands in Los Angeles during the Loyola National Day of Service on April 19, 2008.

Students outside Madonna della Strada during the 1952 Annual Retreat.

A section of Rambler Rowdies cheer Loyola's Men's basketball team as they beat Purdue on December 11, 2005.

Students take a victory lap after a 1946 pushball contest.

Medallion recipients at the President's Ball on November 12, 2004.
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