Conrad Miczko Interview - Founding

Dublin Core


Conrad Miczko Interview - Founding


In an interview conducted on July 24, 2014 Conrad Miczko, the son of long-time Legion member Eugenia Miczko, discusses the events surrounding the founding of the Legion of Young Polish Women in 1939.


Conrad Miczko and Laura Pearce


Legion of Young Polish Women Records


Women and Leadership Archives


July 24, 2014


Copyright is held by the Women and Leadership Archives

Sound Item Type Metadata


"A few of the women were getting together, and they said we'd like to form a club, a junior league club, and the women were very friendly with each other. Many of them were at szkuka which means Polish Saturday school for culture and education and language. At any rate, Mother was with some of these friends and they said oh we - we, let's make a club, let's make a junior league club. During that time, all of a sudden on September 1st Hitler bombed Poland and all these women, of whom I spoke a moment ago, these women called each other up and they said quick we must definitely form the club after today to send packages, money, relief, help to the people in Poland. And eventually they had the first meeting, but my mother she missed that meeting. But she came, whatever X number of months later. She was quite involved with the club. They sent ambulances, they assisted the Red Cross, they sent money, they formed a school for the blind, they did things in Poland, in France, in England, in Italy to help the Polish citizens no matter what their really religion or ethnic orientation, background was, they were out their to help them.




Conrad Miczko - Founding of LMP.mp3
Conrad Miczko.jpg


Conrad Miczko and Laura Pearce, “Conrad Miczko Interview - Founding,” Loyola University Chicago Digital Special Collections, accessed March 12, 2025,