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  • Tags: students

Student keeping score during a card party.

Students outside Madonna della Strada during the 1952 Annual Retreat.

A section of Rambler Rowdies cheer Loyola's Men's basketball team as they beat Purdue on December 11, 2005.

The 1963 NCAA Champion Ramblers are greeted by Mayor Richard J. Daley upon their return to Chicago.

Some players from the 1963 NCAA Basketball championship team pose with cheerleaders before the pow-wow bonfire at the beginning of the season, Fall 1962.

Members of Loyola's Physics Club pose for the camera, circa, 1957 - 1958. Ron O'Brien, Larry Gray, Tom Gezinas, Paul Kreutzer, John Stubler, John McFadyen, Ralph Kroppner, Ron Farmer, Ray Orlowki, Jim Dowd.

Several students carrying another student to the field where the Freshmen will play the Sophomores in a game of push ball.

The Loyola Men's Basketball team posing for a picture during the 1924 season.

Three players from the 1959-1960 Men's Basketball team.

Senior Retreat 08 051.jpg
A group of students ham for the camera during their Senior Retreat, May 5, 2008.
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