Looking Glass Library Title List

A complete set of the 28 volumes in the Looking Glass Library are in the collection.

Looking Glass Library

Distributed by Random House

1. Nesbit, E. Five Children and It. N.D.  Illustrations by J.S. Goodall.

2. Lang, Andrew. Ed.  The Blue Fairy Book. c1959.  Illustrations by Reisie Lonette.

3. Macdonald, George. The Princess and the Goblin. N.D. Illustrations by Arthur Hughes.

4. Warner, Rex.  Men and Gods.  c1959 and [196?]. Two versions.  Illustrations by Edward Gorey.

5. Seton, Ernest Thompson.  Wild Animals I Have Known,  N.D.  Illustrations by Ernest Thompson Seton.

6. Hale, Lucretia.P. The Peterkin Papers. N.D.  Illustrations by Lucretia P. Hale.

7. Lear, Edward.  A Book of Nonsense. N.D. Illustrations by Edward Lear.

8. Smith, Janet.Adam.  The Looking Glass Book of Verse.  c1959.  Illustrations by Consuelo Joerns.

9. Gorey, Edward. Editor.  The Haunted Looking Glass:  Ghost Stories. c1959.  Illustrations by Edward Gorey.

10. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan.  The Lost World.  c1959.  Illustrations by Gil Walker.

11. Nesbit, E. The Phoenix and the Carpet.  N.D. Illustrations by J.S. Goodall.

12. MacDonald, George.  The Princess and Curdie.  N.D.  Illustrations by Helen Stratton

13. Lang, Andrew. Ed. The Red Fairy Book.  c.1960. Reisie Lonette.

14. Leavitt, Hart .Day. Ed.  The Looking Glass Book of Stories.  c1960Cover by Edward Gorey (?).

15. Pyle, Howard.  Otto of the Silver Hand.  N.D. Illustrations by Howard Pyle.

16. Baum, L.Frank. The Wizard of Oz & The land of Oz.  c1960.  Illustrations by Rita Fava.

17. Yonge, Charlotte .M.  Countess Kate. N.D.  Illustrations by Gwen Raverat

18. Nesbit, E  The Story of the Amulet.  N.D.   Illustrations by J.S. Goodall.

19. Williamson, Henry.  Tarka the Otter.  c1960.  Illustrations by C.F. Tunnicliffe.

20. Lang, Andrew. Ed.  The Green Fairy Book,.  c1960.  Illustrations by Reisie Lonette.

21. Wells, H.G.  The War of the Worlds.  c1960.  Cover and illustrations by Edward Gorey.

22. Stockton, Frank.R.  Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts.  c1960. Illustrations by Bernard Krigstein

23. Hughes, Richard.  The Spider's Palace.  c1960.  Illustrations by George Charlton.

24. Nesbit, E.  The Book of Dragon.  N.D.  Illustrations by H.R. Miller.

25. Hope, Anthony.  The Prisoner of Zenda,.  c1960.   Illustrations by Leonard Rosoman.

26. Doyle, Arthur Conan.  The Hound of the Baskervilles.  c1961.   Illustrations by Gil Walker.

27. Mrs. Molesworth.  The Tapestry Room.  N.D.  Illustrations by Walter Crane.

28. Leavitt, Hart.Day Leavitt.  The Comic Looking Glass. 1961Cover and illustrations byEdward Gorey.