Howard School, Wilmette, Illinois, 6 and 7 grades, 1934-1937

Gorey’s family was now living in Wilmette as documented by his report cards for sixth and seventh grades at the Howard School and his graduation from the Stolp school in 1937.

Ted Gorey Report Card
Grade 6 1934-35
Room Teacher Viola Therman

Teachers’ Comments

[First Report]

So far Ted has not worked up to his true ability.  Perhaps the next report will warrant a superior rating.  He does need to try harder to be undisturbed by his neighbors or anyone coming into the room.  To e fair to Ted, I must add that lately he seems much more “on the job”  A.G.L.

Ted needs to be more alert to the possibilities for doing extra projects and making oral suggestions in club meetings.  His most noticeable weakness is in punctuation but careful attention to that should help him to improve his work there.  He has adjusted himself very well with his classmates.  V.T.

Second report

We need no longer be worried concerning the advisability of changing Ted to the sixth grade.  He does very superior work in all phases of my work with apparent ease, and socially he is well adjusted.  His interest in shorthand is very commendable + should be encouraged. I am wondering if Ted would not profit a great deal if he were encouraged to begin taking music lessons—perhaps the violin or begin the study of some foreign language.  Ted is capable of doing fine things in addition to keeping up with his regular classes.  There is time during school in the morning when he could very easily practice some additional subject such as the above.  I will be interested in hearing from you in regard to this.  V.T.

Ted’s adjustment to the sixth grade requirements in the social studies has been very satisfactory.  I like his interest in projects.  He does need to improve the looks of his note books.  I liked his project very much.  (A.G.L)

Ted has continued to show remarkable gains in arithmetic.  I am anxious to see what he will accomplish with an activity program in the form of the puppet play his now planning.  V.T.


Ted Gorey, Report Card
Grade 7 1935-36
Room Teacher Clara A. Groves

Teachers’ Comments

Ted is doing good work. I wish to compliment his work in making such a fine spelling chart.  He is helpful and willing.

He stood very high in a difficult spelling test recently given.

Miss Davis says” When I wish a difficult topic thoroughly organized and explain, I can always depend on Ted.”

Miss McKenzie says he is a good worker and contributes to classroom discussion.

He is doing fine.

So many superior marks prove that Ted is doing good work.  This is a report of which he should be proud.

Ted was elected room secretary for the second semester.


End of teacher’s comments.

Gorey was promoted to 8th Grade and attended the Stolp School, graduating in 1937.